Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ringing In The Ear? See How To Stop It

By Miles Vitnar

You can't sleep, the ringing in the ear never stops, you're frustrated, your relationship is suffering and you don't know where to turn. Sound familiar? You have tinnitus and have searched for non-surgical ways to end the constant noise that seems to interfere with everything you do. Good news, there are natural treatments you can try.

It is not understood what the cause or causes of Tinnitus are, but it is known to be a symptom rather than a disease or illness that is usually associated with some form of hearing deficit in the auditory pathways. Tinnitus can occur at any age, including childhood and easily affect one's quality of life.

The noises that are reflective of this condition have been described as ringing in the ear, or sometimes humming, clicking, buzzing or whistling. It is not as simple as just ringing in the ear and it is hard to define exactly where the noise is coming from, one ear, both ears or the middle of the head. The noise may have just one component or more and can be sporadic or continuous and may become more pronounced when the sufferer is stressed.

The use of drugs such as Tricyclic antidepressants may help people cope better but won't get rid of any ringing in the ear and do have some rather unpleasant side effects. Sedatives may help you sleep but they often make you tired the rest of the time and again have side effects. Current research is far from conclusive as to whether psychotherapy, behavioural, relaxation or biofeedback therapies work, but again they may help you cope better. You might like to try using a small machine that is worn near the ear and that emits a sound designed to mask the tinnitus noises, but research is again inconclusive and replacing one sound with another doesn't sound that useful!

Many suggest that taking antihistamines, B3 (although many sufferers actually have a B12 deficiency), extra zinc, muscle relaxants, ginkgo biloba may help. Still more advocate acupuncture, magnets, lasers or hypnosis. While it is likely some of the above will work for some, published research suggest none really work for all or work all the time.

Surgery may be considered but only if there is a clear structural reason to account for any ringing in the ear. This is obviously a drastic decision and you will need to speak to your doctors for advice. Again though, surgery does not always work and the ringing in the ear may return with vengeance. So what is the answer?

If you have any ringing in the ear, you are probably in the position of trying as many different approaches as possible, in the hope of finding something that will personally work for you. My advice is stick to the natural approaches first before you start messing with what goes in to your body or surgery.

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