Sunday, August 9, 2009

Taking Control Of Your Panic Attack

By Anne Torres

Panic attacks can certainly be terrifying; however, it is important to learn how to control panic attacks in order to regain control of your life.

One of the first tips that can be used to control panic attacks is to be aware that while the panic attack itself is frightening it won't hurt you and although you may feel like it at the time you are not going to die. It is also important to understand that you are not going crazy. The symptoms you experience during a panic attack are just a biological response to a threat that is being perceived as an emergency. Your body is reacting as though it is in danger and releasing energy to get ready you to either flee or stay and fight the perceived danger. Even though all of these reactions are not needed, your body does not know that and you may feel as though you are going to faint, have a heart attack, lose control, etc. Try to focus on the fact that none of this is going to occur.

In learning how to control panic attacks, tell yourself to slow down. This means making an effort to slow down your rate of breathing by practicing breathing exercises, slowing down your racing thoughts by thinking claming thoughts and making an effort to physically slow down your body. Take slow, deep breaths. Inhale and exhale slowly, counting as you go. As you practice these exercises, focus on slowly relaxing your muscles. Not only will this help to control your breathing but also other symptoms associated with the attack as well such as confusion, dizziness, tingling, trembling and possible muscle aches.

It can also be helpful to contact someone you trust from a support system when you are experiencing a panic attack in order to take control of the situation. Even if the person is not available to see in person, try calling them to talk about what you are experiencing. This person can help to support you while the panic is controlled.

You may also find it helpful to go for a walk in order to burn off the excess adrenaline your body has released when you began to feel anxious.

Another method you can use in learning how to control panic attacks includes considering occupying your mind with something else in order to control the attack. Excellent ideas include listening to music and making an effort to notice details of what is going on around you, mainly concrete objects. This can help to take your mind off the thoughts you might experience during a panic attack and focus those thoughts on something more positive and constructive.

In addition, preparing for situations in advance that you know could lead to an attack is also a good way to control possible attacks. Take the time before hand to review how you will handle the situation before you actually encounter it.

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