By Jane Lore
We are powerless to stop the process of aging. This does not mean, however, that we have to accept that aging means looking older. On the contrary; by using anti-aging creams in tandem with a few simple, health-preserving practices, you can keep your skin looking great and maintain your physical health for many years to come.
If a person's skin does not have enough collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, it will age prematurely. Sunlight, with its ultraviolet waves, is but one of many free radicals that increase this damage every single day. Therefore, to at once aid your skin in the fight against skin aging and assist in its restoration and preservation, you must seek out an anti-aging cream that contains the correct quantities of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Furthermore, while using the best quality anti-aging cream available, you should adhere to the following routines to protect your skin and your immune system from the ravages of free radicals and the aging process.
Make friends with the shade! If you have a tan, you have damaged skin; it's that simple. We want to believe that a golden tan is a sign of vivaciousness, but this is incorrect. A tan is your skin's reaction to sun damage: it is trying to heal itself. Lying out in the sun or spending time in a tanning bed is an effort on your part to age your own skin! In tandem, your exposure may lead to skin cancer. While you are unable to avoid the sun entirely, still-in order to preserve your youthful appearance-you must apply a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 to any areas that face long-term exposure.
Believe it or not, the skin that covers your body is a living organ. Healthy routines that protect your internal immune system will therefore aid to better the look of your skin. Keep it appearing healthy and young by consuming at least eight, eight-ounce glasses of water per day. Eat healthful foods that contain large amounts of antioxidants and vitamins. Be sure to add a daily multivitamin to your diet. Engage in an aerobic activity on a regimented basis. Your heart loves aerobic activity, and so does your immune system and your skin!
Avoid smoking! The carcinogens contained in cigarettes/cigars will exponentially increase the aging of your skin: they're called "cancer-sticks" for a reason. Finally, if you are going to drink alcohol, try to have a glass of red wine. Studies have shown red wine to be rich in healthful antioxidants. Obviously, you should avoid excessive alcohol use.
Consider adding facial massages to your health regimen. In many ways, you are your face, and a plethora of age-lines and wrinkles are noticed by everyone around you. Numerous muscles are engaged in something as simple as a frown, and massaging them will ensure that they are relaxed and strong for years ahead. Keep your face from sagging and wrinkling by finding a facial masseuse.
It is imperative that you discover and use the best anti-aging cream possible. Such a cream will contain the perfect balance of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, allowing your face to experience a perfected balance of all three. Be sure that the anti-aging cream also is comprised of antioxidants; these are vital for their toxin-eradicating properties.
Steer clear of chemically-produced creams. These are usually ineffective, and even dangerous, generating the appearance of redness, inflaming and irritating the skin, or drying it out. Instead, use only natural, organic anti-aging creams made from natural ingredients. The proper anti-aging cream will soak into all seven layers of your skin, revitalizing it at the cellular level, helping you to maintain your youthful visage for decades into the future.
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