Heartburn or GERD can Kill

Heartburn is a common annoyance. The busy lifestyle, quick meals, fatty or spicy foods all contribute to the occasional need of a chewable pain reliever. The acceptance of heartburn as an inconvenient, but natural, part of the daily grind can blind you to the warning that a severe heartburn symptom can bring.

Heartburn as a Disorder

Heartburn can be a symptom as well as a disorder. Simple heartburn or GERD can be controlled and dealt with. However, heartburn can signal the presence of a much more serious problem. If it’s heartburn, you will have a burning sensation in the chest usually after eating. There may be a spread of the burning to the throat, sometimes accompanied by a bad taste, difficulty in swallowing, belching, coughing, hoarseness and/or wheezing.

It can become worse by lying down or bending over or by eating. Relief can come from an antacid. While the more severe heartburn symptoms may be mistaken for a heart attack, simple heartburn is usually not made worse by exercise. If there is any concern that the pain may signal a heart attack, get help quickly.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Are You Suffering From Acid Reflux?

By Jonie Carpenter

Acid reflux can occur at any time, to anyone. If you have never had acid reflux before, you may not recognize the symptoms at first. You will probably brush it off as ?something you ate?.

Left untreated, acid reflux symptoms usually go away on their own. While one or two acid reflux episodes will likely not cause any harm, untreated acid reflux will cause damage over time.

If you have ever felt a burning sensation after eating, you may be suffering from acid reflux. Luckily it is easily treatable and most over the counter antacids eliminate it quickly.

There are different forms of acid reflux. A common one is called Dyspepsia, which may include stomach or abdomen pain, a feeling of fullness even long after you have finished, and occasionally nausea.

The second most common type of acid reflux is heartburn. This type is characterized by a burning pain that travels up your esophagus from the stomach to the chest and throat.

A third common symptom of acid reflux is regurgitation. Unfortunately, it sounds like what it is. This symptom produces a bitter or sour taste and can cause stomach acid to come back up into the mouth. If you suspect you may be suffering from acid reflux, analyzing the symptoms is a good place to start. Untreated acid reflux can cause damage to the lining of your stomach and esophagus.

If you think you may be suffering from acid reflux, try to define your symptoms as clearly as possible. Most mild antacids will take care of the reflux symptoms right away.

Acid reflux is a common occurrence among people of all ages, including children and infants. If you are experiencing acid reflux on a regular basis or the over the counter remedies are not working, consult with your doctor right away.

What we eat and how we eat is by far the biggest contributor to acid reflux. Large or heavy meals almost always trigger it. Try eating less or incorporating water or other healthy fillers into your meal to reduce the possibility for acid reflux when you finish eating. Taking an antacid before you eat will also keep the symptoms under control.

If you will be eating these foods, try to combine them with other foods that are lower in acidity. Drinking water helps to decrease the symptoms substantially.

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